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Don’t worry if you’ve never organized a baby shower before.
And worry even less if, in the past, you’ve tried to organize
a baby shower but bumped into some obstacles along the
way. This book is designed to be easy, practical, and fun.
In fact, if you aren’t careful, you may just become a baby
shower specialist, with people calling you up and asking you
for your advice and insights. Now would that be fun?
As you make your way through this book, bear in mind that
the suggestions in here are meant to be applied – and they
do work – but there’s always an element of uniqueness to
every baby shower.

How wonderful! One of your best friends in the whole wide
world has just announced that she’s pregnant. Naturally,
you’re delighted, and can’t hold back your tears of joy. It’s
hard to imagine that, in just a matter of time, your special
friend is going to be a mother (maybe even for the second or
third time…or more!).
As you let the amazing news sink in, your friend is
envisioning the journey that will usher in a new life into the
world: the gynecologist visits, the morning sickness, the
ultrasound testing, the roller coaster of emotions that will
eventually culminate in an experience that defies
Indeed, despite the frequency of births – tens of thousands
a day, all across the world – they remain nothing short of
miraculous. It’s not hard to imagine, therefore, that your
friend is reflecting on issues that are truly hard to put into


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